离 lí 骚 sāo
( 先 xiān 秦 qín) 屈 qū 原 yuán
帝 dì 高 gāo 阳 yáng 之 zhī 苗 miáo 裔 yì 兮 xī, 朕 zhèn 皇 huáng 考 kǎo 曰 yuē 伯 bó 庸 yōng。
A prince am I of ancestry renowned, Illustrious name my royal sire hath found.
摄 shè 提 tí 贞 zhēn 于 yú 孟 mèng 陬 zōu 兮 xī, 惟 wéi 庚 gēng 寅 yín 吾 wú 以 yǐ 降 hōng。
When Sirius did in spring its light display, A child was born, and Tiger marked the day.
皇 huáng 览 lǎn 揆 kuí 余 yú 初 chū 度 dù 兮 xī, 肇 zhào 锡 cì 余 yú 以 yǐ 嘉 jiā 名 míng:
When first upon my face my lord's eye glanced, For me auspicious names he straight advanced.
名 míng 余 yú 曰 yuē 正 zhèng 则 zé 兮 xī, 字 zì 余 yú 曰 yuē 灵 líng 均 jūn。
Denoting that in me Heaven's marks divine, Should with the virtues of the earth combine.
纷 fēn 吾 wú 既 jì 有 yǒu 此 cǐ 内 nèi 美 měi 兮 xī, 又 yòu 重 chóng 之 zhī 以 yǐ 修 xiū 能 néng。
With lavished innate qualities indued, By art and skill my talents I renewed.
扈 hù 江 jiāng 离 lí 与 yǔ 辟 pì 芷 zhǐ 兮 xī, 纫 rèn 秋 qiū 兰 lán 以 yǐ 为 wéi 佩 pèi。
Angelic herbs and sweet
selineas too, And orchids late that by the water grew, I wove for ornament.
汩 gǔ 余 yú 若 ruò 将 jiāng 不 bù 及 jí 兮 xī, 恐 kǒng 年 nián 岁 suì 之 zhī 不 bù 吾 wú 与 yǔ。
till creeping Time, Like water flowing, stole away my prime.
朝 zhāo 搴 qiān 阰 pí 之 zhī 木 mù 兰 lán 兮 xī, 夕 xī 揽 lǎn 洲 zhōu 之 zhī 宿 sù 莽 mǎng。
Magnolias of the glade I
plucked at dawn, At eve beside the stream took winter-thorn.
日 rì 月 yuè 忽 hū 其 qí 不 bù 淹 yān 兮 xī, 春 chūn 与 yǔ 秋 qiū 其 qí 代 dài 序 xù。
Without delay the sun and
moon enad faet In cwift Cuccoccion.stream took winter-thorn.
Without delay the sun and moon sped fast, In swift succession spring and autumn passed.
惟 wéi 草 cǎo 木 mù 之 zhī 零 líng 落 luò 兮 xī, 恐 kǒng 美 měi 人 rén 之 zhī 迟 chí 暮 mù。
The fallen flowers lay scattered on the ground, The dusk might fall before my dream was found.
不 bù 抚 fǔ 壮 zhuàng 而 ér 弃 qì 秽 huì 兮 xī, 何 hé 不 bù 改 gǎi 乎 hū 此 cǐ 度 dù?
Had I not loved my prime and spurned the vile, Why should I not have changed my former style?
乘 chéng 骐 qí 骥 jì 以 yǐ 驰 chí 骋 chěng 兮 xī, 来 lái 吾 wú 道 dǎo 夫 fú 先 xiān 路 lù!
My chariot drawn by steeds of race divine, I urged; to guide the king my sole design.
昔 xī 三 sān 后 hòu 之 zhī 纯 chún 粹 cuì 兮 xī, 固 gù 众 zhòng 芳 fāng 之 zhī 所 suǒ 在 zài。
Three ancient kings there were so pure and true, That round them every fragrant flower grew;
杂 zá 申 shēn 椒 jiāo 与 yǔ 菌 jūn 桂 guì 兮 xī, 岂 qǐ 惟 wéi 纫 rèn 夫 fú 蕙 huì 茝 chǎi!
Cassia and pepper of the mountain-side, With melilotus white in clusters vied.
彼 bǐ 尧 yáo、 舜 shùn 之 zhī 耿 gěng 介 jiè 兮 xī, 既 jì 遵 zūn 道 dào 而 ér 得 dé 路 lù。
Two monarchs then, who high renown received, Followed the kingly way, their goal achieved.
何 hé 桀 jié 纣 zhòu 之 zhī 猖 chāng 披 pī 兮 xī, 夫 fú 惟 wéi 捷 jié 径 jìng 以 yǐ 窘 jiǒng 步 bù。
Two princes proud by lust their reign abused, Sought easier path,and their own steps confused.
惟 wéi 夫 fú 党 dǎng 人 rén 之 zhī 偷 tōu 乐 lè 兮 xī, 路 lù 幽 yōu 昧 mèi 以 yǐ 险 xiǎn 隘 ài。
The faction for illict pleasure longed; Dreadful their way where hidden perils thronged.
岂 qǐ 余 yú 身 shēn 之 zhī 殚 dān 殃 yāng 兮 xī, 恐 kǒng 皇 huáng 舆 yú 之 zhī 败 bài 绩 jī!
Danger against myself could not appal, But feared I lest my sovereign's sceptre fall.
忽 hū 奔 bēn 走 zǒu 以 yǐ 先 xiān 后 hòu 兮 xī, 及 jí 前 qián 王 wáng 之 zhī 踵 zhǒng 武 wǔ。
Forward and back I hastened in my quest, Followed the former kings, and took no rest.
荃 quán 不 bù 查 chá 余 yú 之 zhī 中 zhōng 情 qíng 兮 xī, 反 fǎn 信 xìn 谗 chán 而 ér 齌 jì 怒 nù。
The prince my true integrity defamed, Gave ear to slander, high his anger flamed;
余 yú 固 gù 知 zhī 謇 jiǎn 謇 jiǎn 之 zhī 为 wéi 患 huàn 兮 xī, 忍 rěn 而 ér 不 bù 能 néng 舍 shě 也 yě。
Integrity I knew could not avail,Yet still endured; my lord I would not fail.
指 zhǐ 九 jiǔ 天 tiān 以 yǐ 为 wéi 正 zhèng 兮 xī, 夫 fú 惟 wéi 灵 líng 修 xiū 之 zhī 故 gù 也 yě。
Celestial spheres my witness be on high, I strove but for his sacred majesty.